Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tragedy at Les Gals

I am sure that you can recall my post on Les Gals Adult Center a few posts back. Well, just the perfect way to start of the Triduum...death at Les Gals.

Let me take you through the event, as witnessed by yours truly and two other co-workers. The first police car, with silent lights spinning, arrived at Les Gals at approximately 10:45am EST. The Officer exited the vehicle and entered the establishment.

At this time I had assumed that once again Les Gals was being raided, a thing that has happened their before, so I thought nothin of it.

Around 11:03am EST a police van arrived, again with silent lights flicking on and off. The original officer exited the building and went to the van...

Suddenly, i was distrated by a coworker who asked me about my preference for Peeps (I hate them for those wondering) My Coworker then stated, "They're takin a body bag inside!"

I said "The Peeps!" and then i realized he was speaking about Les Gals.


See, isn't it beautiful? All the pretty lights????

Anyway, all eyes were glued to the window. Myself and my fellow smoking co-worker ventured outside to see what indeed was amiss at LesGals. What we saw was the officers descending the sheet metal lined stairs with a bugling robust, filled body bag. They lifted and deposited the body bag into the police van "Going directly to the morgue," my co-worker stated, and then they got in their respective vehicles and drove away.

It's always interesting seeing a dead body. I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it.

The most shocking thing is that LesGals never even closed its doors. It was a quick in and out and back to business as usual.

There are so many questions i have, and scenerios i keep replaying in my mind, that i know will end up in some written form lol

I just hope he went with a smile on his face.

Now, im all screwed up, so I leave you with this to make you happy and hopefully me happy as well...


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