Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hump Day Report

Hello folks! (Okay, all 5 of you lol)

Tis Tax Day, and Hump Day all rolled into one, and being that I was out of town this past weekend, i found myself getting blocked up.

Here's what you've missed.

1. As I said, Poor Poor Joe is gone. I knew it!!! i put the curse of injury and failure into that poor poor man. When the helicopter came and hauled him away i Cursed the TV, Survivor, and myself. lol Sorry to say i warned ya, Joe. lol

2. I Finally, yes FINALLY saw The Haunting in Connecticut! Ms. J and I saw it Mon night, and its taken me this long to recover lol Look for the detailed review later today.

3. A sports announcer in Philadelphia has passed away and it's as if the president has been assassinated. I just don't get it.

4. My New York excursion was something!!! And while there i got to view at 1:00am the lifetime premiere of Tribute, which i kept referring to as Treatment, starring the 'i liked her better when fat' Brittany Murphy...look for that review later as well.

5. This week i am moving, so its been a little hectic. To say the least. I found a great home that is in my price rannge, and so what if it was once a funeral parlor, the scene of a mass cult suicide, and republican lol

More later folks.

For now, I will leave you with an image of Adam Baldwin. WHOOOFFFF


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